Riva Real Easy

July to September 2016

Introducing the Riva Sales Team

We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce the team… Karen GanterNewham (centre), Jeff Ganter (left) and Dallas Newham (right).



Due to increasing demand Vanilla Gluten Free Ice Cream is here!!

For customers on a Gluten Free diet, we are happy to announce a delicious Gluten Free Vanilla Ice Cream option. Available now from your local Frozen Food Distributor.



Celebrating our 20th anniversary!

For more than 20 years the Riva Ice Cream Dispensing Systems have been revolutionising real Ice Cream delivery – something that we are very proud of! To celebrate our anniversary we have gone through a brand refresh including an overhaul of our Stand Display and web site. We’d love to hear what you think!



Industry News


9 to 11 August – Australian Gaming Expo, Sydney

The Australasian Gaming Expo is easily the biggest event of its type in Australia and one of the world’s biggest. We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant new display at Stand No. 303!

12 to 15 September – Fine Foods Expo, Melbourne

The Australasian Gaming Expo is easily the biggest event of its type in Australia and one of the world’s biggest. We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant new display at Stand No. 303!

Looking to increase profits? Doughnut Ice Cream Cones are here!

Seen throughout Europe, Doughnut Ice Cream Cones are the latest trend to hit Australian shores. We can see these being perfectly achieved using Riva Ice Cream – it’s just a matter of crafting the perfect doughnut and flavour combination!




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